Art Classes at Summer Camp
“Art class makes me feel like I can get better and be good at anything” -Alexis Li 9 year-old, Summer Camp student
Summer Camp 2017 is underway at Dancer’s Gallery and word around the dance floor says that Ms. Elsa’s art classes are becoming a free-time favorite!
Although Dancer’s Gallery takes pride in grooming excellent dancers, we also make sure to offer our students various forms of expression when it comes to the arts.
According to a National Education Association report, children engaged in arts education, “tend to have better academic results, better workforce opportunities, and more civic engagement.” Another study published by the American Public Health Association says that, “art helps people express experiences that are too difficult to put into words.”
We want to train dancers who understand that creativity is a lifelong skill which they can continue to grow and develop. Exploring different mediums of art helps our dancers discover new paths of artistry and alternative ways to relieve stress.
Our Summer Camp curriculum features Ms. Elsa’s art classes, where students learn to see shapes in every figure, trace, create carbon stencils, outline using markers, color with pastels, paint with water colors, and shade with colored pencils. In addition to all these fun art techniques the children get to learn Alexis Li, told me why her and her friends love art class.
“I can forget about anything bad in art because you learn to focus on something else; art class makes me feel like I can get better and be good at anything,” says the 9 year-old summer camp student.
We get a kick out of seeing our students so excited about learning different forms of art and we think it’s the perfect way to prepare for a new school year. Don’t leave your kids cooped up in the house this summer, sign them up for summer camp where they can explore different forms of art and get creative with new friends! Let’s get creative this summer at DG Summer Camp!